00968nlm 2200229Ia 450 99653677090331620230706073148.019840412d1663---- uy |engUKdrcnu<<A>> Brief accompt of the Turks late expedition against the kingdome of Hungary, Transylvania, and the hereditary countries of the emperourtogether with an exact narrative of the remarquable occurences at the siege of Newhauseltranslated out of the DutchLondonPrinted by Richard Hodgkinson and Thomas Mab1663Testo elettronico (PDF) (22 p.)Base dati testualeGuerra austro-turca <1661-1664>BNCFITcbaREICAT996536770903316EBERBrief accompt of the Turks late expedition against the kingdome of Hungary, Transylvania, and the hereditary countries of the emperour3393352UNISA