01184nlm 2200289Ia 450 99653376960331620230615090335.020081001d1628---- uy 0engUKdrcnu<<The>> booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacramentsand other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.Imprinted at Londonby Bonham Norton, & Iohn Bill, printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.1628.Testo elettronico (PDF) (EPUB) ( p.)Base dati testuale"The Psalter or Psalmes of David" ha uno speciale frontespizio con impronta 1614Segnature: LA-DO⁸ RE¹⁰ MI-RE⁸ S¹⁰ T-2H⁸Imperfetto: frontespizio macchiato e sbiadito; stampa trasparenteRiproduzione dell'originale presso University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus). LibraryAnglicanesimoPreghiereBNCF264.3ITcbaREICAT996533769603316EBERBooke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments2347213UNISA