01095nlm 2200289Ia 450 99653017270331620230525110050.020011105d1635---- uy 0engUKdrcnu<<The>> booke of common prayer: And administration of the sacramentsAnd other rites and ceremonies of the Church of EnglandLondonPrinted by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiesty: and by the Assignes of John Bill.1635Testo elettronico (PDF) ( [128] p.)Base dati testualeTitolo entro bordo illustrato.Firme: LA-MI¹², LA²-LA⁵.Testo in doppia colonna.Imperfetto: strettamente rilegato, ritagliato e macchiatoRiproduzione dell'originale nella British LibraryAnglicanesimoPreghiereBNCF264.3ITcbaREICAT996530172703316EBERBooke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments2347213UNISA