01736nlm 2200337Ia 450 99652157200331620230502144418.0Altri contributori: Bill, John, attivo 1630-1681; Barker, Christopher, attivo 1640-168020150420d1667---- uy 0engUKdrcnu<<The>> book of common-prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, and according to the use of the Church of Englandtogether with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches[London]In the Savoy, printed by the assignes of John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty1667Testo elettronico (PDF) ( [320] p., [49] carte di tav.)Base dati testualeIn fondo al frontespizio: Cum privilegioCon tavole tra cui un ritratto di Carlo II rivolto verso il frontespizioImperfetto: stampa-trasparenza, rilegatura stretta con qualche perdita di testoRiproduzione dell'originale in: York Minster. Biblioteca.Altri contributori: Bill, John, attivo 1630-1681; Barker, Christopher, attivo 1640-1680AnglicanesimoPreghiereBNCF264.3BILL,Johnactive 1630-1681,BARKER,Christopheractive 1640-1680,ITcbaREICAT996521572003316EBERBook of common-prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, and according to the use of the Church of England3089012UNISA