01217nlm 2200289Ia 450 99651907240331620230420094310.019871110d1697---- uy |engUKdrcnu<<The>> book of common prayer and administration of the sacramentsand other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churchesOxfordPrinted by the University PrintersMDCXCVII [1697]Testo elettronico (PDF) ([226] p.)Base dati testualeInclude anche il Nuovo Testamento, che ha uno speciale frontespizio datato 1696Imperfetto: segnature mancanti R3-6 e L3-5Pagine sbiadite e ben rilegate, con stampa visibile e qualche perdita di stampaRiproduzione dell'originale nella Bodleian LibraryAnglicanesimoBNCF264.3ITcbaREICAT996519072403316EBERBook of common prayer and administration of the sacraments1773799UNISA