01322nlm 2200265Ia 450 99650926100331620230228112742.019840406d1689---- uy |engUKdrcnuBlagrave's astrological practice of physickdiscovering the true way to cure all kinds of diseases and infirmities which are naturally incident to the body of man : being performed by such herbs and plants which grow within our own nation, directing the way to distil and extract their virtues and making up of medicines : also a discovery of some notable philosophical secrets worthy our knowledge ... directing how to call forth the ... evil spirit out of any one which is possessed, with sundry examples thereofby Joseph Blagrave of ReadingLondonPrinted for Obadiah Blagrave1689Testo elettronico (PDF) ([14], 139 p.)Base dati testualeRiproduzione dell'originale nella Biblioteca dell'Università di HarvardMedicinaImpiego [dell'] AstrologiaBNCF610BLAGRAVE,Joseph1610-1682.793139ITcbaREICAT996509261003316EBERBlagraves Astrological practice of physick2341806UNISA