01353nlm 2200265Ia 450 99650367170331620230117123311.019840405d1679---- uy |engUKdrcnu<<The>> Proceedings at the Sessions for London & Middlesex, holden at the Old Bailey beginning on Wednesday the sixteenth of July, 1679being the condemnation of the notorious coyners and many other too common malefactors : with the number of persons condemned to die, and their respective facts : as also of those that were burnt in the hand, or otherwise to be punished : and likewise the tryals of Sir George Wakeman, Mr. Corker, Provincial of the Benedictine monks, Mr. Rumly, and Mr. Marshal[Londons.n.1679]Testo elettronico (PDF) (4 p.)Base dati testualeTitolo della didascaliaImpronta suggerita dalle impronte NUC precedenti al 1956Riproduzione dell'originale nella Harvard University LibraryDelinquenzaInghilterraSec. 17.BNCFITcbaREICAT996503671703316EBERProceedings at the Sessions for London & Middlesex, holden at the Old Bailey beginning on Wednesday the sixteenth of July, 16793002177UNISA