01639nlm 2200301Ia 450 99649597260331620221117095406.019840321d1647---- uy |engUKdrcnuMilitarie discipline, or, The young artillery-manvvherein is discoursed and shown the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions with much variety : as also diverse and severall formes for the imbattelling small or greater bodies demonstrated by the number of a single company with their reducements, very necessary for all such as are studious in the art military : whereunto is added the postures and beneficial use of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with the way to draw up the Swedish brigade : as also Mars his triumphby Collonel William Bariffe5. ed., recentemente riveduta e ampliata.LondonPrinted by John Dawson1647Testo elettronico (PDF) ([6], 174, [5], 24 p. : ill.)Base dati testuale"Mars his triumph" ha uno speciale frontespizio con data di impronta 1645 e impaginazione separataAltri autori di contributi: Barriffe, WilliamRiproduzione dell'originale nella Harvard University LibraryDisciplina militareInghilterraBNCF355.00942BARRIFFE,William1002036ITcbaREICAT996495972603316EBERMilitarie discipline, or, The young artillery-man2964451UNISA