01047nlm 2200265Ia 450 99649217240331620221025092625.019840314d1671---- uy |engdrcnu<<A>> true relation of a young man, about seventeen years of age, who was struck dumb for the space of twenty four hours because he would not believe what was said unto himby Thomas AstryLondonPrinted for the author1671Testo elettronico (PDF) (14 p.)Base dati testualeCon indennitàRiproduzione dell'originale nella Harvard University LibraryObbedienzaReligioneBNCF248ASTRY,Thomas1260933ITcbaREICAT996492172403316EBERTrue relation of a young man, about seventeen years of age, who was struck dumb for the space of twenty four hours because he would not believe what was said unto him2922664UNISA