01562nlm 2200301Ia 450 99648877260331620220929090645.019840223d1690---- uy |engGreco in testa al titolodrcnuEphēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1690being the second after bissextile, or leap-yearby John GadburyLondonPrinted by J.R. for the Company of Stationers1690Testo elettronico (PDF) ( [31], 15 p. : ill.)Base dati testualeGreco in testa al titoloContenente: I. A complete ephemeris of the planets motions and aspects, eclipses of the luminaries, high water, the moons age, terms, and their returns ; with a domifying table and a table of the planets essential dignities &c. according to Ptolemy. II. An exact translation of the Jatromathematica of the excellent Hermes Trismegistus, which himself dedicated to the patronage of the great Egyptian King Ammon ; of most admirable use in PhysickRiproduzione dell'originale nella Bodleian LibraryLicenza 16 settembre 1689. Rob. MidgleyAstrologiaAlmanacchiBNCF133.5GADBURY,John1627-17041001374ITcbaREICAT996488772603316EBEREphēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 16902915271UNISA