01068nlm 2200265Ia 450 99647677070331620220617141531.019840221d1658---- uy |engUKdrcnuDivine love spreading forth over all nations, or, The glorious day of unity, peace, and concord tendered unto all the meek of the earthgiven forth from a tender compassion to the captivated seed of the noble plant of renown ...by Humphrey SmithLondonPrinted for Thomas Simmons[1658]Testo elettronico (PDF) (8 p.)Base dati testualeRiproduzione dell'originale nella Harvard University LibraryQuaccheriBNCF289SMITH,Humphreyd. 1663.1001957ITcbaREICAT996476770703316EBERDivine love spreading forth over all nations, or, The glorious day of unity, peace, and concord tendered unto all the meek of the earth2341361UNISA