03861nam 2200589 450 991051170130332120170919195504.090-04-31635-310.1163/9789004316355(CKB)3710000000730276(SSID)ssj0001681235(PQKBManifestationID)16432506(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001681235(PQKBWorkID)14965861(PQKB)11366785(PQKBManifestationID)16507559(PQKB)23705426(MiAaPQ)EBC4561832(OCoLC)946610533(nllekb)BRILL9789004316355(EXLCZ)99371000000073027620160809h20162016 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrA companion to the Swiss Reformation /edited by Amy Nelson Burnett and Emidio Campi ; contributors Irena Backus [and thirteen others]Leiden, Netherlands ;Boston, [Massachusetts] :Brill,2016.©20161 online resource (681 pages) illustrations, mapsBrill's Companions to the Christian Tradition,1871-6377 ;Volume 72Includes index.90-04-30102-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Preliminary Material /Amy Nelson Burnett and Emidio Campi -- Introduction /Amy Nelson Burnett and Emidio Campi -- The Swiss Confederation Before the Reformation /Regula Schmid -- The Reformation in Zurich /Emidio Campi -- The Reformation in Bern /Martin Sallmann -- The Reformation in Basel /Amy Nelson Burnett -- The Reformation in Schaffhausen /Erich Bryner -- The Reformation in St. Gallen and Appenzell /Erich Bryner -- Failed Reformations /Sundar Henny -- The Reformation in the Three Leagues (Grisons) /Jan-Andrea Bernhard -- Francophone Territories Allied to the Swiss Confederation /Michael W. Bruening -- The Swiss Anabaptists /Andrea Strübind -- Theological Profile /Emidio Campi -- Polity and Worship in the Swiss Reformed Churches /Bruce Gordon -- Schools and Education, 1500–1600 /Karin Maag -- Swiss Society: Family, Gender, and the Poor /Kaspar von Greyerz -- Reformation Culture /Irena Backus -- Religious Stalemate and Confessional Alignments: Dynamics and Stagnation in the Confederation from 1531 to 1618 /Thomas Maissen -- Index /Amy Nelson Burnett and Emidio Campi.A Companion to the Swiss Reformation describes the course of the Protestant Reformation in the Swiss Confederation over the course of the sixteenth century. Its essays examine the successes as well as the failures of the reformation movement, considering not only the institutional churches but also the spread of Anabaptism. The volume highlights the different form that the Reformation took among the members of the Confederation and its allied territories, and it describes the political, social and cultural consequences of the Reformation for the Confederation as a whole. Contributors are: Irena Backus, Jan-Andrea Bernhard, Amy Nelson Burnett, Michael W. Bruening, Erich Bryner, Emidio Campi, Bruce Gordon, Kaspar von Greyerz, Sundar Henny, Karin Maag, Thomas Maissen, Regula Schmid-Keeling, Martin Sallmann, and Andrea Strübind.Brill's companions to the Christian tradition ;Volume 72.ReformationSwitzerlandElectronic books.Reformation274.94/06Burnett Amy Nelson1957-Campi EmidioBackus IrenaMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910511701303321A companion to the Swiss Reformation2548287UNINA07295nam 22008295 450 99646585490331620230406055039.03-540-35905-210.1007/11786986(CKB)1000000000233041(SSID)ssj0000316393(PQKBManifestationID)11261618(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000316393(PQKBWorkID)10263683(PQKB)10493684(DE-He213)978-3-540-35905-0(MiAaPQ)EBC3068063(PPN)123136466(EXLCZ)99100000000023304120101221d2006 u| 0engurnn#008mamaatxtccrAutomata, Languages and Programming[electronic resource] 33rd International Colloquium, ICALP 2006, Venice, Italy, July 10-14, 2006, Proceedings, Part I /edited by Michele Bugliesi, Bart Preneel, Vladimiro Sassone, Ingo Wegener1st ed. 2006.Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin Heidelberg :Imprint: Springer,2006.1 online resource (XXIV, 732 p.)Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues,2512-2029 ;4051Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-540-35904-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Invited Lectures -- Additive Approximation for Edge-Deletion Problems (Abstract) -- Graph Theory I -- Testing Graph Isomorphism in Parallel by Playing a Game -- The Spectral Gap of Random Graphs with Given Expected Degrees -- Embedding Bounded Bandwidth Graphs into ?1 -- On Counting Homomorphisms to Directed Acyclic Graphs -- Quantum Computing -- Fault-Tolerance Threshold for a Distance-Three Quantum Code -- Lower Bounds on Matrix Rigidity Via a Quantum Argument -- Self-testing of Quantum Circuits -- Deterministic Extractors for Independent-Symbol Sources -- Randomness -- Gap Amplification in PCPs Using Lazy Random Walks -- Stopping Times, Metrics and Approximate Counting -- Formal Languages -- Algebraic Characterization of the Finite Power Property -- P-completeness of Cellular Automaton Rule 110 -- Small Sweeping 2NFAs Are Not Closed Under Complement -- Expressive Power of Pebble Automata -- Approximation Algorithms I -- Delegate and Conquer: An LP-Based Approximation Algorithm for Minimum Degree MSTs -- Better Algorithms for Minimizing Average Flow-Time on Related Machines -- A Push-Relabel Algorithm for Approximating Degree Bounded MSTs -- Edge Disjoint Paths in Moderately Connected Graphs -- Approximation Algorithms II -- A Robust APTAS for the Classical Bin Packing Problem -- Better Inapproximability Results for MaxClique, Chromatic Number and Min-3Lin-Deletion -- Approximating the Orthogonal Knapsack Problem for Hypercubes -- Graph Algorithms I -- A Faster Deterministic Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Bases in Directed Graphs -- Finding the Smallest H-Subgraph in Real Weighted Graphs and Related Problems -- Weighted Bipartite Matching in Matrix Multiplication Time -- Algorithms I -- Optimal Resilient Sorting and Searching in the Presence of Memory Faults -- Reliable and Efficient Computational Geometry Via Controlled Perturbation -- Tight Bounds for Selfish and Greedy Load Balancing -- Complexity I -- Lower Bounds of Static Lovász-Schrijver Calculus Proofs for Tseitin Tautologies -- Extracting Kolmogorov Complexity with Applications to Dimension Zero-One Laws -- The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Computational and Structural Dichotomies -- Data Structures and Linear Algebra -- Suffix Trays and Suffix Trists: Structures for Faster Text Indexing -- Optimal Lower Bounds for Rank and Select Indexes -- Dynamic Interpolation Search Revisited -- Dynamic Matrix Rank -- Graphs -- Nearly Optimal Visibility Representations of Plane Graphs -- Planar Crossing Numbers of Genus g Graphs -- How to Trim an MST: A 2-Approximation Algorithm for Minimum Cost Tree Cover -- Tight Approximation Algorithm for Connectivity Augmentation Problems -- Complexity II -- On the Bipartite Unique Perfect Matching Problem -- Comparing Reductions to NP-Complete Sets -- Design Is as Easy as Optimization -- On the Complexity of 2D Discrete Fixed Point Problem -- Game Theory I -- Routing (Un-) Splittable Flow in Games with Player-Specific Linear Latency Functions -- The Game World Is Flat: The Complexity of Nash Equilibria in Succinct Games -- Network Games with Atomic Players -- Algorithms II -- Finite-State Dimension and Real Arithmetic -- Exact Algorithms for Exact Satisfiability and Number of Perfect Matchings -- The Myriad Virtues of Wavelet Trees -- Game Theory II -- Atomic Congestion Games Among Coalitions -- Computing Equilibrium Prices in Exchange Economies with Tax Distortions -- New Constructions of Mechanisms with Verification -- Networks, Circuits and Regular Expressions -- On the Price of Stability for Designing Undirected Networks with Fair Cost Allocations -- Dynamic Routing Schemes for General Graphs -- Energy Complexity and Entropy of Threshold Circuits -- New Algorithms for Regular Expression Matching -- Fixed Parameter Complexity and Approximation Algorithms -- A Parameterized View on Matroid Optimization Problems -- Fixed Parameter Tractability of Binary Near-Perfect Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction -- Length-Bounded Cuts and Flows -- Graph Algorithms II -- An Adaptive Spectral Heuristic for Partitioning Random Graphs -- Some Results on Matchgates and Holographic Algorithms -- Weighted Popular Matchings.Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues,2512-2029 ;4051Software engineeringComputer scienceComputer science—MathematicsDiscrete mathematicsNumerical analysisArtificial intelligence—Data processingData structures (Computer science)Information theorySoftware EngineeringTheory of ComputationDiscrete Mathematics in Computer ScienceNumerical AnalysisData ScienceData Structures and Information TheorySoftware engineering.Computer science.Computer science—Mathematics.Discrete mathematics.Numerical analysis.Artificial intelligence—Data processing.Data structures (Computer science).Information theory.Software Engineering.Theory of Computation.Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science.Numerical Analysis.Data Science.Data Structures and Information Theory.005.1Bugliesi Micheleedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtPreneel Bartedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtSassone Vladimiroedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtWegener Ingoedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtBOOK996465854903316Automata, languages and programming339738UNISA