00891nam0-2200313 --450 991022765740332120171129112614.0978-88-17-05500-020171121d2017----kmuy0itay5050 baitagrcIT 001yyContro LeocrateLicurgointroduzione, traduzione e note di Andrea Taddei3. ed.MilanoBUR Rizzoli2017215 p.18 cmBUR Classici greci e latiniTesto greco a fronte.Kata Leokratous1494098885.0120Lycurgus398658Taddei,AndreaITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910227657403321P2B 600 BUR LYCURG. 401A 2017BIBL. 2017FLFBCFLFBCKata Leokratous1494098UNINA06346oam 22011654a 450 991045706310332120211004152634.01-57506-647-5(CKB)2550000000052495(OCoLC)759160114(CaPaEBR)ebrary10495950(SSID)ssj0000537635(PQKBManifestationID)11364525(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000537635(PQKBWorkID)10554086(PQKB)10314386(MiAaPQ)EBC3155595(Au-PeEL)EBL3155595(CaPaEBR)ebr10495950(OCoLC)1040603818(MdBmJHUP)musev2_79427(EXLCZ)99255000000005249520110511d2011 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrThe Horsemen of IsraelHorses and Chariotry in Monarchic Israel /by Deborah O'Daniel CantrellWinona Lake, Ind. :Eisenbrauns,2011.©2011.1 online resource (164 p.) History, archaeology, and culture of the Levant ;1Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph1-57506-204-6 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Introduction -- The nature of the war-horse -- Horses in Iron Age Israel and Judah -- Chariotry in Iron Age Israel -- Stables of Israel : the case of Megiddo -- Warfare in Iron Age Israel."Almost every book in the Hebrew Bible mentions horses and chariots in some manner, usually in a military context. However, the importance of horses, chariots, and equestrians in ancient Israel is typically mentioned only in passing, if at all, by historians, hippologists, and biblical scholars. When it is mentioned, the topic engenders a great deal of confusion. Notwithstanding the substantial textual and archaeological evidence of the horse{u2019}s historic presence, recent scholars seem to be led by a general belief that there were very few horses in Iron Age Israel and the Israel{u2019}s chariotry was insignificant. The reason for this current sentiment is tied primarily to the academic controversy of the past 50 years over whether the 17 tripartite-pillared buildings excavated at Megiddo in the early 20th century were, in fact, stables. Although the original excavators, archaeologists from the University of Chicago, designated these buildings as stables, a number of scholars (and a few archeologists) later challenged this view and adopted alternative interpretations. After they {u2018}reassessed{u2019} the Megiddo stables as {u2018}storehouses, {u2019} {u2018}marketplaces, {u2019} or {u2018}barracks, {u2019} the idea developed that there were no place for the horses to be kept and, therefore, there must have been few horses in Israel. The lack of stables, when added to the suggestion that Iron age Israel could not have afforded to buy expensive horses and maintain an even more expensive chariotry, led to a dearth of horses in ancient Israel; or so the logic goes that has permeated the literature. Cantrell{u2019}s book attempts to dispel this notion. Too often today, scholars ignore or diminish the role of the horse in battle. It is important to remember that ancient historians took for granted knowledge about horses that modern scholars have now forgotten or never knew. Cantrell{u2019}s involvement with horses as a rider, competitor, trainer, breeder, and importer includes equine experience ranging from competitive barrel-racing to jumping, and for the past 25 years, dressage. The Horseman of Israel relies on the author{u2019}s knowledge of and experience with horses as well as her expertise in the field of ancient Near Eastern languages, literature, and archeology."--Back cover.History, archaeology, and culture of the Levant ;1.War horsesTrainingHistorynliWarfare, PrehistoricIsraelnliMilitary art and scienceIsraelTo 500nliMilitary history, AncientEretz IsraelnliIron ageEretz IsraelnliChariotsIsraelnliHorsesIsraelHistorynliExcavations (Archaeology)IsraelnliKriegführungidszbzKavallerieidszbzWarfare, Prehistoricfast(OCoLC)fst01170800Military history, Ancientfast(OCoLC)fst01021234Military art and sciencefast(OCoLC)fst01020874Iron agefast(OCoLC)fst00979145Horsesfast(OCoLC)fst00960603Chariotsfast(OCoLC)fst00852361Antiquitiesfast(OCoLC)fst00810745Warfare, PrehistoricIsraelMilitary art and scienceHistoryTo 500Military history, AncientIron ageIsraelChariotsIsraelHistoryHorsesIsraelHistoryEretz IsraelAntiquitiesnliIsrael (Altertum)idszbzIsraelfastIsraelAntiquitiesHistory.Criticism, interpretation, etc.Electronic books. War horsesTrainingHistory.Warfare, PrehistoricMilitary art and scienceMilitary history, AncientIron ageChariotsHorsesHistory.Excavations (Archaeology)Kriegführung.Kavallerie.Warfare, Prehistoric.Military history, Ancient.Military art and science.Iron age.Horses.Chariots.Antiquities.Warfare, PrehistoricMilitary art and scienceHistoryMilitary history, Ancient.Iron ageChariotsHistory.HorsesHistory.636.109334Cantrell Deborah O'Daniel888550MdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910457063103321The horsemen of Israel1985045UNINA00877nam0-2200277 --450 991059430130332120221002172836.0IT71687820221002d1971----kmuy0itay5050 baitaIT 001yy<<I >>visdomini di Venezia nel sec. XIII(Ricerche su un'antica magistratura finanziaria)Giorgio ZordanPadovaCedam1971VIII, 705 p.25 cmPubblicazioni della Facoltà di giurisprudenza dell'Università di Padova59VisdominiVeneziaSec. 13.340.09itaZordan,Giorgio231570ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910594301303321Univ. 43 (59)95379FGBCFGBCVisdomini di Venezia nel sec. XIII2916676UNINA06635nam 22007455 450 99646557370331620230406055909.03-540-36411-010.1007/11796435(CKB)1000000000233052(SSID)ssj0000317396(PQKBManifestationID)11211357(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000317396(PQKBWorkID)10293488(PQKB)11752063(DE-He213)978-3-540-36411-5(MiAaPQ)EBC3068252(PPN)123136768(EXLCZ)99100000000023305220110215d2006 u| 0engurnn#008mamaatxtccrEmbedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation[electronic resource] 6th International Workshop, SAMOS 2006, Samos, Greece, July 17-20, 2006, Proceedings /edited by Stamatis Vassiliadis, Stephan Wong, Timo D. Hämäläinen1st ed. 2006.Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin Heidelberg :Imprint: Springer,2006.1 online resource (XV, 492 p.)Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues,2512-2029 ;4017Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-540-36410-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Keynotes -- Reconfigurable Platform for Digital Convergence Terminals -- European Research in Embedded Systems -- System Design and Modeling -- Interface Overheads in Embedded Multimedia Software -- A UML Profile for Asynchronous Hardware Design -- Automated Distribution of UML 2.0 Designed Applications to a Configurable Multiprocessor Platform -- Towards a Transformation Chain Modeling Language -- Key Research Challenges for Successfully Applying MDD Within Real-Time Embedded Software Development -- Domain-Specific Modeling of Power Aware Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems -- Mining Dynamic Document Spaces with Massively Parallel Embedded Processors -- Efficient Automated Clock Gating Using CoDeL -- An Optimization Methodology for Memory Allocation and Task Scheduling in SoCs Via Linear Programming -- Wireless Sensor Networks -- Designing Wireless Sensor Nodes -- Design, Implementation, and Experiments on Outdoor Deployment of Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring -- LATONA: An Advanced Server Architecture for Ubiquitous Sensor Network -- An Approach for the Reduction of Power Consumption in Sensor Nodes of Wireless Sensor Networks: Case Analysis of Mica2 -- Energy-Driven Partitioning of Signal Processing Algorithms in Sensor Networks -- Preamble Sense Multiple Access (PSMA) for Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband Sensor Networks -- Security in Wireless Sensor Networks: Considerations and Experiments -- On Security of PAN Wireless Systems -- Processor Design -- Code Size Reduction by Compiler Tuning -- Energy Optimization of a Multi-bank Main Memory -- Probabilistic Modelling and Evaluation of Soft Real-Time Embedded Systems -- Hybrid Functional and Instruction Level Power Modeling for Embedded Processors -- Low-Power, High-Performance TTA Processor for 1024-Point Fast Fourier Transform -- Software Pipelining Support for Transport Triggered Architecture Processors -- SAD Prefetching for MPEG4 Using Flux Caches -- Effects of Program Compression -- Integrated Instruction Scheduling and Fine-Grain Register Allocation for Embedded Processors -- Compilation and Simulation Tool Chain for Memory Aware Energy Optimizations -- A Scalable, Multi-thread, Multi-issue Array Processor Architecture for DSP Applications Based on Extended Tomasulo Scheme -- Reducing Execution Unit Leakage Power in Embedded Processors -- Memory Architecture Evaluation for Video Encoding on Enhanced Embedded Processors -- Advantages of Java Processors in Cache Performance and Power for Embedded Applications -- Dependable Computing -- CARROT – A Tool for Fast and Accurate Soft Error Rate Estimation -- A Scheduling Strategy for a Real-Time Dependable Organic Middleware -- Autonomous Construction Technology of Community for Achieving High Assurance Service -- Preventing Denial-of-Service Attacks in Shared CMP Caches -- Architectures and Implementations -- A Method for Router Table Compression for Application Specific Routing in Mesh Topology NoC Architectures -- Real-Time Embedded System for Rear-View Mirror Overtaking Car Monitoring -- Design of Asynchronous Embedded Processor with New Ternary Data Encoding Scheme -- Hardware-Based IP Lookup Using n-Way Set Associative Memory and LPM Comparator -- A Flash File System to Support Fast Mounting for NAND Flash Memory Based Embedded Systems -- Rescheduling for Optimized SHA-1 Calculation -- Software Implementation of WiMAX on the Sandbridge SandBlaster Platform -- High-Radix Addition and Multiplication in the Electron Counting Paradigm Using Single Electron Tunneling Technology -- Area, Delay, and Power Characteristics of Standard-Cell Implementations of the AES S-Box -- Embedded Sensor Systems -- Integrated Microsystems in Industrial Applications -- A Solid-State 2-D Wind Sensor -- Fault-Tolerant Bus System for Airbag Sensors and Actuators.Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues,2512-2029 ;4017Computer systemsComputersMicroprocessorsComputer architectureComputer networksElectronic digital computers—EvaluationComputer System ImplementationComputer HardwareProcessor ArchitecturesComputer Communication NetworksSystem Performance and EvaluationComputer systems.Computers.Microprocessors.Computer architecture.Computer networks.Electronic digital computers—Evaluation.Computer System Implementation.Computer Hardware.Processor Architectures.Computer Communication Networks.System Performance and Evaluation.004.2/2Vassiliadis Stamatisedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtWong Stephanedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtHämäläinen Timo Dedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtBOOK996465573703316Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation772127UNISA