01088nlm 2200313 a 450 99644715160331620211209071822.00-8147-2554-619880715d1972---- uy 0engUSdrcnu<<The>> classical monumentreflections on the connection between morality and art in Greek and Roman sculpturePhilipp FehlNew YorkPublished by New York University Press for the College Art Association of America1972Testo elettronico (PDF) (XV, 115 p., 17 c. di tav. : ill.)Monographs on archaeology and the fine arts24Base dati testualeMonographs on archaeology and fine arts, 24.Scultura classicaBNCF733.3FEHL,Philipp P1065713American Council of Learned Societies.cbaITcbaREICATcbaITcbaREICAT996447151603316EBERClassical monument2547604UNISA