02583nam 2200565 450 99644154410331620230721004017.01-78268-682-71-282-34199-597866123419911-4051-8508-20-470-69650-80-470-69575-7(CKB)1000000000687401(EBL)470363(OCoLC)609849205(SSID)ssj0000292132(PQKBManifestationID)11228880(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000292132(PQKBWorkID)10254392(PQKB)11426483(MiAaPQ)EBC470363(EXLCZ)99100000000068740120070525d2008 uy 0engtxtccrA companion to classical receptions /edited by Lorna Hardwick and Christopher StrayMalden, Mass. Blackwell20081 online resource (560 p.)Blackwell companions to the ancient worldDescription based upon print version of record.1-4051-5167-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.part. 1. Reception within antiquity and beyond -- part. 2. Transmission, acculturation and critique -- part. 3. Translation -- part. 4. Theory and practice -- part. 5. Performing arts -- part. 6. Film -- part. 7. Cultural politics -- part. 8. Changing contexts -- part. 9. Reflection and critique.Examining the profusion of ways in which the arts, culture, and thought of Greece and Rome have been transmitted, interpreted, adapted and used, A Companion to Classical Receptions explores the impact of this phenomenon on both ancient and later societies.Provides a comprehensive introduction and overview of classical reception - the interpretation of classical art, culture, and thought in later centuries, and the fastest growing area in classicsBrings together 34 essays by an international group of contributors focused on ancient and modern reception concepts and practices<Blackwell companions to the ancient world.Literature and culture.Classical literatureHistory and criticismClassical literatureHistory and criticism.880.09Hardwick LornaStray ChristopherMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996441544103316Companion to classical receptions1016141UNISA