01456nas 2200409 450 99643825400331620220518050356.01463-6875(CKB)110978984448989(IN-ChSCO)23272(MiAaPQ)4942934(EXLCZ)9911097898444898920190222a19989999 uy aengur|n####|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierComputer MusicLondon :Exact Editions Ltd,1998-Bath :Future Publishing,1998-illustration ;28 cm1463-6875 Computer Music is the ultimate magazine for anyone making music with a Mac, PC or mobile device. Today’s technology unleashes the music-maker in everyone. You can do it – and you can do it faster and easier than you think! No matter whether you’re a complete newcomer or a seasoned pro, Computer Music gives you the technique and the tools you need to make great music now.Computer sound processingPeriodicalsComputer musicPeriodicalsPeriodical.Computer sound processingComputer music780.28505IN-ChSCOIN-ChSCOExact Editions LtdJOURNAL996438254003316Computer Music1975096UNISA