01076nlm 2200253Ia 450 99641094920331620210407130715.019831111d1681---- uy |engdrcnu<<The>> mariner's everlasting almanackwherein is set down diverse motions of the moon, with rules and tables for finding her age every day, and when she cometh to the meridian, also the time of her true rising and setting, fully examplified and proved, together with everlasting tyde-tables, containing the true ebbings and flowings throughout the most part of the sea-ports and towns in Europe ...by Iohn Forbes.2. ed. corretta e ampliataAberdeenPrinted by the author1681Testo elettronico (PDF) (53 p. : ill.)Base dati testualeAstrologiaBNCF133.5FORBES,John792098cbaITcbaREICAT996410949203316EBERMariner's everlasting almanack1771130UNISA