01733nam 2200409 n 450 99639736940331620200824121552.0(CKB)4940000000055394(EEBO)2248501305(UnM)ocm11327348_47474e(UnM)11327348_47474(EXLCZ)99494000000005539419841030d1661 uy engurbn||||a|bb|Concerning sons and daughters, and prophetesses speaking and prophecying in the law and the gospel[electronic resource] and concerning womens learning in silence, and also concerning womens not speaking in the church, and what state they be in, &cLondon Printed for M.W.[1661]16 pAn expanded version of "The woman learning in silence" originally published in 1656.Caption title.Signed at end: G.F. [i.e. George Fox].Imprint from p. 12; date suggested by Wing.Pp. 13-16 signed B and B2, beginning: "They that deny women prophets, ..."; with no catchword on p. 12.Reproduction of original in the British Library.eebo-0010Society of FriendsDoctrinesEarly works to 1800WomenReligious lifeEarly works to 1800Women clergyEarly works to 1800Society of FriendsDoctrinesWomenReligious lifeWomen clergyFox George1624-1691.793686Cu-RivESBOOK996397369403316Concerning sons and daughters, and prophetesses speaking and prophecying in the law and the gospel2313270UNISA