01727nam 2200397 n 450 99639667720331620221102112623.0(CKB)4330000000342817(EEBO)2264190209(UnM)99122503000971(EXLCZ)99433000000034281719850823f16741679 uy engurbn||||a|bb|The old pudding-pye woman set forth in her colours, &c[electronic resource] Of all the rare and various London cryes, there's none that doth excel hot pudding-pyes: each one that hears it, being bit with hunger, would wish himself to be a pudding monger; for many likes such victuals for the nones, because in pudding-pyes there is no bones. To a rare new tune much in use, or, There was an old wifeLondon, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clark.[between 1674-1679]1 sheet ([1] p.) ill. (woodcuts)Verse: "There was an old wife ..."Date of publication suggested by Wing.Item at A5:2[305] trimmed.Reproduction of original in the Harvard University, Houghton Library and the British Library.eebo-0067Ballads, English17th centuryHumorous poetry, EnglishEarly works to 1800Humorous songsTextsEarly works to 1800Ballads, EnglishHumorous poetry, EnglishHumorous songsTextsCu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINCu-RivESBOOK996396677203316The old pudding-pye woman set forth in her colours, &c2319519UNISA