01548nam 2200385 n 450 99639658790331620221107215314.0(CKB)4330000000333246(EEBO)2240866566(UnM)99842062(EXLCZ)99433000000033324619910423d1578 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A right comfortable treatise[electronic resource] containing fourteene pointes of consolation for them that labor and are laden: VVritten by D. Martin Luther to Prince Friderik Duke of Saxonie, he being sore sicke, thereby to comfort him in the time of his great distresse. Englished by W. GaceImprinted at London By Thomas Vautrollier dwelling in the Blacke Friers1578[12], 84 pA translation, by William Gace, of: Luther, Martin. Tessaradecas consolatoria pro laborantibus et oneratis.Running title reads: Consolations for them that labor and are laden.Reproduction of the original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.eebo-0055ConsolationEarly works to 1800SufferingEarly works to 1800ConsolationSufferingLuther Martin1483-1546.127546Gace William1000923Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996396587903316A right comfortable treatise2299528UNISA