01886nam 2200313Ia 450 99639603920331620221108053553.0(CKB)3810000000016259(EEBO)2240876816(OCoLC)489260544(EXLCZ)99381000000001625920091216d1642 uy 0engurbn||||a|bb|A full relation not only of our good successe in generall, but how, and in what manner God hath fought his own cause miraculously, manifesting his mighty power by delivering the Protestants, miserably distressed under a cruell and most inhumane adversary[electronic resource] As also, the names of the chiefe commanders and officers in this late expedition of 3000 foote and 500 horse under the command of the Earle of Ormond, Lieutenant Generall, and others mentioned more particularly in the relation. /Published to prevent false and erronious copies which too often are set forth with mighty disadvantage to the truth it selfeLondon Printed for William BladenMDCXLII. [1642][2], 12 pImperfect: pages cropped and stained with some loss of print.Reproduction of original in: New York Public Library.eebo-0103Great BritainHistoryCivil War, 1642-1649Early works to 1800Great BritainPolitics and government1642-1649Early works to 1800Ormonde James ButlerDuke of,1610-1688.1001840UMIUMIBOOK996396039203316A full relation not only of our good successe in generall, but how, and in what manner God hath fought his own cause miraculously, manifesting his mighty power by delivering the Protestants, miserably distressed under a cruell and most inhumane adversary2370233UNISA