02088nam 2200385 n 450 99639598540331620221108075403.0(CKB)4330000000332830(EEBO)2248526672(UnM)99845928(EXLCZ)99433000000033283019911011d1550 uh |engurbn||||a|bb|A proclamation, aswel for restrainct of cariyng of graine out of the realme and order of bringyng of the same to the markettes, as also for restraynct of cariyng out of all kindes of victualles and certain other commodites of the realme, set furth by the kynges Maiestie, with thaduise of his highnes counsaill, for reformacion of the excessiue prices of thesame, the .xx. of October, the. iiij. yere of his most noble reigne[electronic resource][London] Richardus Grafton typographus regius excudebat.M. D. L. [1550][4] leavesWith maximum prices for sale at English markets. 20 Oct. 1550--STC.Reproduction of the original in the Society of Antiquaries.Below colophon: Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.eebo-0147Grain tradeLaw and legislationEnglandEarly works to 1800GrainPricesEarly works to 1800ProclamationsEnglandEarly works to 1800Grain tradeLaw and legislationGrainPricesProclamationsCu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996395985403316A proclamation, aswel for restrainct of cariyng of graine out of the realme and order of bringyng of the same to the markettes, as also for restraynct of cariyng out of all kindes of victualles and certain other commodites of the realme, set furth by the kynges Maiestie, with thaduise of his highnes counsaill, for reformacion of the excessiue prices of thesame, the .xx. of October, the. iiij. yere of his most noble reigne2354933UNISA