02199nam 2200493 n 450 99639593030331620221108075527.0(CKB)3810000000017600(EEBO)2240858681(UnM)99856273(EXLCZ)99381000000001760019920929d1577 uh |engurbn||||a|bb|By the Queene. Whereas the Queenes Maiestie hath by sundry former proclamations notified vnto her louing subiectes of this realme, the great inconuenience and mischiefe that hath growen to the same, by the great excesse of apparel in al states and degrees ..[electronic resource][Imprinted at London By Richard Iugge, printer to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis[1577][6] leavesTitle taken from caption and first lines of text.Date of publication suggested by STC (2nd ed.).Versos of leaves blank.At end of leaf A2: Geuen at our pallace of Westminster, the xvi. of Februarie, in the xix. yeere of our raigne.On leaves A3-A5: "A briefe content of certayne clauses of the statutes of King Henry the eyght, and Queene Marie ..." and on leaf A6: "Necessary additions."Imprimatur at foot of leaf A6: Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.Initial.Signatures: A⁶.Reproduction of original in: Folger Shakespeare Library.eebo-0014Clothing and dressEnglandEarly works to 1800Sumptuary lawsEnglandEarly works to 1800Great BritainHistoryElizabeth, 1558-1603SourcesEarly works to 1800BroadsidesEngland16th century.rbgenrProclamationsEngland16th century.rbgenrClothing and dressSumptuary lawsElizabethQueen of England,1533-1603.996842Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINUk-ESWaOLNBOOK996395930303316By the Queene2299089UNISA