01397nam 2200313 n 450 99639584130331620221102113455.0(CKB)4330000000321152(EEBO)2248526622(UnM)99847867(EXLCZ)99433000000032115219911216d1590 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A briefe declaration of the yeelding vp of Saint Denis to the French king the 29. of Iune, 1590[electronic resource] And also of the taking of the cities of Marcilies and Granoble: with the great misery that Paris is in. Moreouer of the taking of three traitours in the chamber of presence, who had conspired to kill the king, whom God long preserue to his glory and the comfort of his afflicted members in that kingdomLondon Printed by Iohn Wolfe, and are to be solde by William Wright159011, [1] p. illIncludes folding woodcut.Reproduction of the original in the Bodleian Library.eebo-0014FranceHistoryHenry IV, 1589-1610Early works to 1800Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996395841303316A briefe declaration of the yeelding vp of Saint Denis to the French king the 29. of Iune, 15902313768UNISA