02022nam 2200397 n 450 99639567510331620221108081802.0(CKB)4330000000315034(EEBO)2248516530(UnM)99845603(EXLCZ)99433000000031503419911002d1587 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A funerall sermon, both godlye, learned and comfortable, preached at S. Maries in Cambridge, Anno 1551. at the buriall of the reuerend doctor, and faithfull pastor of the Churche of Christe, Martin Bucer. By Matthew Parker Doctor in Diuinitie, and since, Archbishoppe of Canterburye[electronic resource]Printed at London By Thomas Purfoote, and are to be sold at his shop without Newe-gate, ouer against S. Sepulchers Church[1587][36] pAn edition of: Howe we ought to take the death of the godly. a sermon made in Cambrydge at the buriall of the noble clerck.Publication date from STC.Dedication signed: Thomas Newton [translator, from an abridged Latin version printed abroad].--STC.Running title reads: A funerall sermon preached at S. Maries in Cambridge.Signatures: A-B C² .Reproduction of the original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.eebo-0055Sermons, English16th centurySermons, EnglishParker Matthew1504-1575.1001268Newton Thomas1542?-1607.1001761Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996395675103316A funerall sermon, both godlye, learned and comfortable, preached at S. Maries in Cambridge, Anno 1551. at the buriall of the reuerend doctor, and faithfull pastor of the Churche of Christe, Martin Bucer. By Matthew Parker Doctor in Diuinitie, and since, Archbishoppe of Canterburye2316347UNISA03415nam 2200529 450 991053225280332120230814235023.01-78785-848-01-118-75305-41-118-75299-61-118-75298-8(CKB)4330000000006985(MiAaPQ)EBC5491898(Au-PeEL)EBL5491898(OCoLC)1029068292(EXLCZ)99433000000000698520180909d2018 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Wiley handbook on offenders with intellectual and developmental disabilities research, training and practice /edited by William R. Lindsay, John L. TaylorHoboken, NJ :Wiley Blackwell,[2018]1 online resource (523 pages)1-118-75310-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.The Wiley Handbook on Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is a comprehensive compendium to the research and evidence supporting clinical work with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who offend or are at risk of offending. With contributions from an international panel of experts, the text reviews the most recent developments in the assessment, treatment and management of various types of offenders with intellectual disabilities including violent offenders, sexual offenders and firesetters. The text also explores the developments in research on risk assessment and management of people with intellectual disabilities who offend or are at risk of offending.In addition, the handbook also contains information on developments in research into the epidemiology of offending in this population, pathways into services and the trajectories of the criminal careers of those who will later go on to offend. This important resource: includes contributions from expert international researchers and practitioners in the field, describes a range of theoretical, conceptual and ethical assessments as well as treatment and service development issues that are relevant practitioners in clinical practice, presents the ethical-legal considerations that offer a conceptual framework for the handbook, sets out a variety of the most current evidence-based interventions, written for psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses and other mental health professionals, and those in education and training. The Wiley Handbook on Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities offers a much-needed resource on the latest developments in the field.Offenders with mental disabilitiesDevelopmentally disabledPeople with mental disabilities and crimeCriminal psychologyOffenders with mental disabilities.Developmentally disabled.People with mental disabilities and crime.Criminal psychology.364.3/8Lindsay William R.Taylor John L(John Lionel),1961-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910532252803321The Wiley handbook on offenders with intellectual and developmental disabilities2760111UNINA12155nam 22007335 450 991065948680332120230810180919.09783031225321(electronic bk.)978303122531410.1007/978-3-031-22532-1(MiAaPQ)EBC7193358(Au-PeEL)EBL7193358(CKB)26105674800041(DE-He213)978-3-031-22532-1(PPN)268207577(EXLCZ)992610567480004120230208d2023 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLight Metals 2023 /edited by Stephan Broek1st ed. 2023.Cham :Springer Nature Switzerland :Imprint: Springer,2023.1 online resource (1335 pages)The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series,2367-1696Print version: Broek, Stephan Light Metals 2023 Cham : Springer,c2023 9783031225314 Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- About the Editor -- Program Organizers -- Aluminum Committee 2022-2026 -- Part I 60 Years of Taking Aluminum Smelting Research and Development from New Zealand to the World: An LMD Symposium in Honor of Barry J. Welch -- 1 What Makes TMS Special? Let Us Consider a Case Study in Volunteer Excellence: Barry J. Welch -- 2 Meeting the Requirements of Potline Customers: The Largely Unmet Challenges Set by Barry Welch to Carbon Anode Producers -- 3 The Need to Respect the Interlink Between Science, Physics, and Cell Design in an Environmentally Responsible Manner: The Next Big Challenge for Aluminium Smelting -- 4 Anode Quality Optimisation: Industry Learnings from the Research Supervised by Barry Welch -- 5 Process Recovery to Unlock Power Efficiency Improvement at BSL -- 6 A Smart Individual Anode Current Measurement System and Its Applications -- 7 Light Metals Research at the University of Auckland -- 8 Impact of Aluminium Reduction Cell Parameters on Feeder Hole Condition -- 9 A Dynamic Coupled Mass and Thermal Model for the Top Chamber of the Aluminium Smelting Cells -- 10 Following Alumina Dissolution Kinetics with Electrochemical and Video Analysis Tools -- 11 Monitoring Cell Conditions and Anode Freeze Dissolution with Model-Based Soft Sensor After Anode Change -- 12 EGA's First Holistic Mobile Application for Smelter Operations -- 13 Testing Feeding Alumina in Three Channels in a Wide Cell -- 14 A Pragmatic Model for Bath Temperature Evolution During Alumina Feeding -- 15 A New Strategy for Transient Heat Transfer Models with Phase Change for the Aluminum Electrolysis Industry -- 16 A Discussion on Thermal Impact of Anode Change in Aluminum Reduction Cell -- 17 Development and Deployment Measures in PLC-Based Pot Control System at Low Amperage Aluminium Reduction Cell.Part II Alumina and Bauxite -- 18 Process Simulation with Tertiary Cyclone for Kaolinite Removal from Amazonian Bauxite -- 19 Granulometry Impact on Digestion Efficiency and Cost-Economics in Alumina Refinery for East Coast Bauxite (India) -- 20 Effect of Thermal Activation Temperature on Pre-desilication of Low-Grade Bauxite -- 21 Application of Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis in the Determination of Available Alumina and Reactive Silica in Bauxites -- 22 Zero Waste Alumina Production -- 23 Statistical Modelling of Operating Parameters on Bauxite Slurry Hyperbaric Filtration -- 24 Reduction of GHG Emissions and Increase Operational Reliability Using Immersed Electrode Boiler in an Alumina Refinery -- 25 Steam Grid Stability Using Advanced Process Control and Real Time Optimization in an Alumina Refinery -- 26 Effects of Impurities on the Boiling Point of Bayer Liquor -- 27 Effects of Different Precursors on the Preparation of β″-Al₂O₃ -- 28 Determination of Unit Cell Parameters of α-Alumina Reference Material -- 29 Improvement Seminars: Continuous Improvement and People's Engagement to Support Sustainability -- 30 Turning Bauxite Residue to Metal Adsorption Materials Through a Low-Cost Approach -- 31 Hematite and Anatase Conversion to Magnetic Phases During Reductive Re-digestion of Gibbsitic Bauxite Residue -- 32 Digestion Efficiency Improvement of Gibbsite-Boehmite Bauxite -- 33 Decanter Centrifuge for Dewatering Bauxite Tailings -- Part III Aluminum Alloys, Characterization, and Processing -- 34 Comparison of TiB2 and TiC Grain Refiners' Impact on Surface Quality, Edge Cracking, and Rolling Performance of AA5182 DC-Cast Ingot -- 35 The Influence of Crystallographic Texture Gradients on the Deformation Response of Aluminum Extrusions.36 Mechanical Properties, Microstructures, and Textures of Cold Rolling Sheets Made from a Low-cost Continuous Cast Al-1.5Cu Alloy with Potential Application in Auto Sheets -- 37 Challenges in the Production of 5754 Automotive Alloy Sheet via Twin Roll Casting Route -- 38 Fabrication of Bright-Rolled Aluminum Suitable for Design Elements in the Automotive Industry -- 39 Effects of Aging Conditions on Fracture Characteristics of Al-Mg-Si Alloys -- 40 Evaluation of EN AW 3003 Aluminium Alloy Homogenization with Specific Electrical Resistivity Measurement -- 41 The Effect of Octagonal Ingot Shape on AA6xxx Hot Rolling Performance -- 42 The Low-Carbon Production of Wrought Aluminum Alloys Based on Post-consumer Scrap -- 43 Reduce Inclusion Level Study in Aluminum Slab Products 3XX and 5XX -- 44 Effect of Iron and Manganese Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlSi11 Alloy in Wheels Produced by LPDC-Process -- 45 Shear Assisted Processing and Extrusion of Unhomogenized Aluminum Alloy 6063 Castings with High Iron Content -- 46 Solutionization via Severe Plastic Deformation: Effect on Natural Aging in an Al-Mg-Si-(Mn) Alloy -- 47 Manufacture of Nano-to-Submicron-Scale TiC Particulate Reinforced Aluminium Composites by Ultrasound-Assisted Stir Casting -- 48 Effect of Mn Content on Quench Sensitivity of 6082 Alloys -- 49 Characterization of Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced in Overhead Transmission Lines -- 50 Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Permanent Steel Mold Cast Eutectic Al-1.8Fe Alloy -- 51 Effects of the Friction Stir Welding Sliding and Sticking Mechanisms on the Microhardness, Texture, and Element Concentration -- 52 Experimental Investigation of the Effect of High-Temperature Shot Peening on the Surface Integrity of 7010-T7452 Aluminum Alloy.53 Quality Assessment and Features of Microdrilled Holes in Aluminum Alloy Using Ultrafast Laser -- 54 Surface Characterization Methods to Evaluate Adhesive Bonding Performance of 6xxx Automotive Alloys -- 55 Investigation of Resistance of Intergranular Attack for Various Heat Treated 2011 Alloys After Hard Anodizing -- 56 Fundamental Study on Modified Solidification of 1370 and ALSI7 with and without Commercial Grain Refiners -- 57 Improving the Mechanical Properties of Cast Aluminum via Ultrasonication-Induced Microstructural Refinement -- 58 Microstructural Changes on a Ternary Al-Cu-Si Eutectic Alloy with Different Pre-heated Mold Temperatures -- 59 Nanoparticle-Enhanced Arc Welding of Aluminum Alloys -- 60 Phase Equilibria in Al-Fe Alloys -- 61 Secondary Phase Refinement in Molten Aluminum via Low Power Electric Current Processing -- 62 Fluidity and Microstructural Analysis of Al-Ni Alloys with Varied Ni Concentrations -- 63 Effect of Ti Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hypo-Eutectic and Eutectic Al-Si Alloys -- 64 Compatibility Study of Polymeric Binders for Aluminum Binder Jet Parts -- 65 Material Evaluation Framework of Additive Manufactured Aluminum Alloys for Space Optical Instruments -- 66 Comparison of Additively Manufactured and Cast Aluminum A205 Alloy -- 67 The Role of Ti and B Additions in Grain Refinement of Al-Mn Alloy During Laser Additive Manufacturing -- 68 AMAG CrossAlloy®-A Unique Aluminum Alloy Concept for Lightweighting the Future -- 69 Effect of Alloying Elements on Corrosion Resistance of Quench-Free Al-Ca Alloys for HPDC -- 70 Influence of Increased Cu and Fe Concentrations on the Mechanical Properties of the EN AB-42100 (AlSi7Mg0.3) Aluminum Alloy.71 Temperature Dependence of Lattice Misfit in Determining Microstructural Evolution of High Temperature High Strength Aluminium Alloys-A 3D Phase-Field Study -- 72 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an Al-Mn-Si Alloy Microalloyed with Sn -- 73 Innovative Approaches in Development of Aluminium Alloys for Packaging Industry -- 74 The Role of Microstructure on Strength and Fracture Anisotropy Effects in Al-Mg-Si Extrusion Alloys -- 75 Comparison of Experimental Test and Finite Element Simulations of Car Crash Boxes Manufactured with Different Aluminum Alloys -- 76 Exploring Semi-solid Deformation of Al-Cu Alloys by a Quantitative Comparison Between Drained Die Compression Experiments and 3D Discrete Element Method Simulations -- 77 The Role of Through-Thickness Variation of Texture and Grain Size on Bending Ductility of Al-Mg-Si Profiles -- 78 Anisotropy of Tearing Behavior in AA7075-T6 Sheet at 200 °C -- 79 Evaluating the Earing Amount of Materials Under Various Chemical Composition and Heat Treatment Processes with Finite Element Simulations of Cup Drawing Tests -- 80 Effect of Al-3Ti-1B-1.5Ce Refiner on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A356 Aluminum Alloy -- 81 Effect of Al-Ti-B Refiner on Microstructure and Properties of A356 Alloy by Continuous Rheo-Extrusion -- 82 Effect of Annealing Process on Recrystallization Microstructure and Properties of 1235D Aluminum Alloy Sheet -- 83 Effect of Thermal Treatment (T5) on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Vacuum High Pressure Die Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy -- 84 Numerical Simulation of Flow of Liquid in Molten Pool of Twin-roll Casting Rolling 5182 Aluminum Alloy Strip -- 85 Study of the Solidification Behavior and Homogenization Heat Treatment of the Investment-Cast Al-Cu Foams: Experimental and Modelling Investigations.Part IV Aluminum Industry Emissions Measurement, Reporting, and Reduction.The Light Metals symposia at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition present the most recent developments, discoveries, and practices in primary aluminum science and technology. The annual Light Metals volume has become the definitive reference in the field of aluminum production and related light metal technologies. The 2023 collection includes contributions from the following symposia: · 60 Years of Taking Aluminum Smelting Research and Development from New Zealand to the World: An LMD Symposium in Honor of Barry J. Welch · Alumina & Bauxite · Aluminium Industry Emissions Measurement, Reporting & Reduction · Aluminium Waste Management & Utilisation · Aluminum Alloys, Characterization and Processing · Aluminum Reduction Technology · Cast Shop Technology · Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production · Scandium Extraction and Use in Aluminum Alloys.The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series,2367-1696MetalsBuilding materialsElectronicsMaterialsMaterialsFatigueMaterialsAnalysisMetals and AlloysSteel, Light MetalElectronic MaterialsMaterials FatigueMaterials Characterization TechniqueMetals.Building materials.ElectronicsMaterials.MaterialsFatigue.MaterialsAnalysis.Metals and Alloys.Steel, Light Metal.Electronic Materials.Materials Fatigue.Materials Characterization Technique.669.72Broek Stephan1315702MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQ9910659486803321Light Metals 20233032473UNINA