02369nam 2200457Ia 450 99639555210331620221108100443.0(CKB)4330000000321052(EEBO)2240850345(OCoLC)12846164(EXLCZ)99433000000032105219851125d1652 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A Christian caveat to the old and new sabbatarians, or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals[electronic resource] wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the Scriptures, was observed in the pure, antient, apostolique times, and is approved by all reformed churches, II. That Christ was borne on the 25th day of December, and all objections to the contrary refuted, III. That the keeping holy the Lords Day was appointed by the Christian Church, and that the morality, and devine institution of the Lords Day are mere fictions, IV. That the day of Christs nativity, the day of His passion, and the like, have equall authority, equall antiquity, equall right to be observed as the Lords Day, and that to work on those dayes is equally sinfull, V. That the observation of the Sabbath Day is abolished in Christ, and that to call the Lords Day the Sabbath is senslesse, Jewish, unchristian, inwarrantable /by Edward Fisher, EsqThe fourth edition.London Printed for E. Blackmore ..., and R. Lawndes ...1652[2], 70 pIncludes bibliographical references.Reproduction of original in Cambridge University Library.Edition statement transposed from title.eebo-0021SabbathFasts and feastsChurch of EnglandFasts and feastsSundayLord's SupperSabbath.Fasts and feastsChurch of England.Fasts and feasts.Sunday.Lord's Supper.Fisher Edwardfl. 1627-1655.804835EAAEAAm/cWaOLNBOOK996395552103316A Christian caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals2338255UNISA01316oam 2200313z- 450 991015169330332120170925202638.02-336-76839-92-14-001603-3(CKB)3710000000952609(VLeBooks)9782336768397(EXLCZ)99371000000095260920170626c2016uuuu -u- -freDes Cles Pour Comprendre La QabalahEditions L'Harmattan1 online resource (284 p.)Religions et Spiritualite2-343-09784-4 Qabalah est un mot hebreu qui signifie aussi bien reception qu'acceptation. La tradition esoterique hebraique a traverse le temps, transmise par voie orale, et s'est enrichie par des apports exterieurs jusqu'a sa transcription ecrite progressive. Tout en plongeant le lecteur dans l'univers de la transcendance, ce livre a surtout un but pedagogique. Il presente notamment une analyse originale et exhaustive du Zohar, Livre de la Splendeur, document essentiel de la Qabalah.CabalaMysticismJudaismCabala.MysticismJudaism.Soued1745950BOOK9910151693303321Des Cles Pour Comprendre La Qabalah4177326UNINA