01955nam 2200445 n 450 99639493470331620200824121738.0(CKB)4940000000121195(EEBO)2240908526(UnM)99844162e(UnM)99844162(EXLCZ)99494000000012119519910815d1636 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|Hygiasticon: or, The right course of preserving life and health unto extream old age[electronic resource] together with soundnesse and integritie of the senses, judgement, and memorie. Written in Latine by Leonard Lessius, and now done into EnglishThe third edition.[Cambridge] Printed by [R. Daniel and T. Buck] the printers to the Universitie of Cambridge1636[42], 210; 70 pA translation by George Herbert of: Hygiasticon.Printers' names from STC.Includes "A treatise of temperance and sobrietie" by Luigi Cornaro, a translation of "Discorsi della vita sobria" with separate pagination, and "A discourse", a translation of "Esser miglior la vita parca della splendida & sontuosa" attributed to Ortensio Landi. Register is continuous.Reproduction of the original in the British Library.eebo-0018HygieneEarly works to 1800LongevityEarly works to 1800HygieneLongevityLessius Leonardus1554-1623.744310Herbert George1593-1633.167806Cornaro Luigi1475-1566.autLandi Ortensioca. 1512-ca. 1553.autCu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996394934703316Hygiasticon: or, The right course of preserving life and health unto extream old age2327527UNISA