01776ncm 2200529Ia 450 99639461840331620210104163551.0(CKB)3810000000008467(EEBO)2240872712(OCoLC)ocm58044644e(OCoLC)58044644(EXLCZ)99381000000000846720050304d1704 uy engurbn||||a|bb|A song in the Fate of Capua[electronic resource] /set by Mr. John Eccles, sung by Mrs Hodgson, and exactly engrav'd by Tho: Cross[London s.n.ca. 1704]1 score ([1] leaf)For voice and continuo.Caption title.First line: What beauty is, let Strephon tell.Sung in the play by T. Southerne.Engraved throughout.In: A collection of songs by severall masters / [collected by] Francis Norton.Imperfect: stained with slight loss of text.Reproduction of the original in the British Library.eebo-0018Songs with continuoIncidental musicExcerptsSongs, EnglishSongs with continuo.Incidental musicSongs, English.Eccles Johnd. 1735.1004636HodgsonMrs.(John),fl. 1690?-1719.1005849Cross Thomasfl. 1632-1682.1003497Southerne Thomas1660-1746.167752Norton Francis1003498UMIUMIOCLCQOCLCGUMIBOOK996394618403316A song in the Fate of Capua2333775UNISA