01528nam 2200397 n 450 99639432290331620211203204123.0(CKB)4940000000121755(EEBO)2248503633(UnM)99856667e(UnM)99856667(EXLCZ)99494000000012175519921022d1633 uy |laturbn#|||a|bb|Catechismus paruus[electronic resource] pueris primùm qui ediscatur, proponendus in scholis Latinè & Græcè[London] Excudebat Aug. Matth[ewes] pro Societate Bibliopolarum LondinensiumAnno 1633[10], 34 pThe so-called Shorter catechism, a translation of the Church of England catechism from the "Book of common prayer".Dedication signed: A.N., i.e. Alexander Nowell, the translator into Latin and the chief author of the original catechism.Greek translation by William Whitaker.Printer's name from STC.Identified as STC 18711 on UMI microfilm reel 681.Reproduction of the original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.eebo-0055Whitaker William1548-1595.1003812Nowell Alexander1507?-1602.1001389Church of England.Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996394322903316Catechismus paruus2326180UNISA