01412nam 2200337Ia 450 99639408640331620200824132810.0(CKB)3810000000005154(EEBO)2248524413(OCoLC)ocm12055864e(OCoLC)12055864(EXLCZ)99381000000000515419850520d1644 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|The anatomist anatomis'd, or, A short answer to some things in the book intituled, An anatomy of Independencie[electronic resource] wherein it's shewed, I. That many things reported are mis-reported, II. That if all were true, yet divulging of them in this manner, is not according to the word of God, III. Nor argumentative against the cause that's falsly called independency ... /by Sidr. SimpsonLondon Printed for Peter Cole ...164412 pReproduction of original in Thomason Collection, British Library.eebo-0158CongregationalismEarly works to 1800CongregationalismSimpson Sidrach1600?-1655.1004952EAAEAAm/cWaOLNBOOK996394086403316The anatomist anatomis'd, or, A short answer to some things in the book intituled, An anatomy of Independencie2338093UNISA