01102nam 2200337Ia 450 99639350600331620200824131939.0(CKB)4940000000117377(EEBO)2240860927(OCoLC)ocm13070917e(OCoLC)13070917(EXLCZ)99494000000011737719860128d1653 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|Pallantus and Eudora[electronic resource] a tragoedie /written by Mr. Henry KilligrewLondon [s.n.]1653[4], 64 pIn verse.An unauthorized edition appeared in 1638 under title: The conspiracy ... A tragedy as it was intended for the nuptialls of the Lord Charles Herbert, and the Lady Villers ...Reproduction of original in Huntington Library.eebo-0113Killigrew Henry1613-1700.1005390EAAEAAm/cWaOLNBOOK996393506003316Pallantus and Eudora2370037UNISA01373nlm 2200337Ia 450 99649716880331620221201080710.020100521d1672---- uy 0latUKdrcnuPublii Virgilii Maronis Operavariorum autorum annotationibus illustrataEditio nova emedatior : in qua filum narrationis (juniorum potissimim gratia) pausis frequentoribus debitisque periodis discriminatur.LondiniTypis E. Tyler, & R. Holt, pro Societate Stationariorumanno Domini 1672Testo elettronico (PDF) ([14], 302, [4] p.)Base dati testuale"Publii Virgilii Maronis vita, autore Tiberio Donato" a p. [3]-[14] all'inizio ha il titolo della didascaliaInclude indiceImperfetto: ritagliato, macchiato con trasparenza della stampa e perdita di testoRiproduzione dell'originale in: British LibraryAltri autori di contributi: Donato, Tiberio Claudio.; VirgilioVirgilio Marone, PublioOpereBNCF871.01VERGILIUS MARO,Publius7260DONATUS,Tiberius ClaudiusITcbaREICAT996497168803316EBERPublii Virgilii Maronis opera269443UNISA02135oam 2200565 450 991071707510332120211213173029.0(CKB)5470000002527453(OCoLC)569893857(OCoLC)664478892(EXLCZ)99547000000252745320100325d1946 ua 0engurbn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe evacuated people a quantitative description[Washington, D.C.] :United States Department of the Interior, War Relocation Authority,[1946]1 online resource (xvi, 200 pages)Selective statistics for the 120,000 persons of Japanese descent who came under the jurisdiction of the War Relocation Authority. Presents detailed characteristics of the total group, changing composition of the center populations, resettlement, vital statistics, and pertinent characteristics of special groups developing within the program. Also includes basic data for refugees at the Fort Ontario Emergency Refugee Shelter.Evacuated people World War, 1939-1945Evacuation of civiliansStatisticsJapanese AmericansForced removal and internment, 1942-1945StatisticsWorld War, 1939-1945United StatesStatisticsEvacuation of civiliansfastJapanesefastUnited StatesfastStatistics.lcgftWorld War, 1939-1945Evacuation of civiliansJapanese AmericansForced removal and internment, 1942-1945World War, 1939-1945Evacuation of civilians.Japanese.OCLCEOCLCEOCLCQOCLCFOCLCOWAUOCLCOOCLCQOCLZ5AOCLCAOCLCQGPOBOOK9910717075103321The evacuated people3540406UNINA