01361nam 2200337 n 450 99639335570331620200824121845.0(CKB)4940000000114509(EEBO)2248567957(UnM)ocm99895075e(UnM)99895075(EXLCZ)99494000000011450919800225d1704 uy engurbn||||a|bb|An admonitory discourse concerning the late English schism[electronic resource] address'd to those of the reformed, as well as roman religion abroad: wherein the ancient rights of bishops, and their independency of the secular magistrate, are asserted and recommended. /By Henry Dodwell, A.M. of Dublin. Written originally in Latin, and now faithfully done into English,London: Printed, and sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-hallMDCCIV. [1704][1]+ pFragment: title page only.Reproduction of original in the British Library.eebo-0018Title pagesEngland18th century.Dodwell Henry1641-1711.744120Uk-ESUk-ESCStRLINCu-RivESBOOK996393355703316An admonitory discourse concerning the late English schism2316696UNISA