01986nam 2200397 n 450 99639329940331620221108065410.0(CKB)1000000000685925(EEBO)2240948250(UnM)99838070(EXLCZ)99100000000068592519901024d1580 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A bright burning beacon[electronic resource] forewarning all wise virgins to trim their lampes against the comming of the Bridegroome. Conteining a generall doctrine of sundrie signes and wonders, specially earthquakes both particular and generall: a discourse of the end of this world: a commemoration of our late earthquake, the 6. of April, about 6. of the clocke in the euening 1580. And a praier for the appeasing of Gods wrath and indignation. Newly translated and collected by Abraham Fleming. The summe of the whole booke followeth in fit place orderly diuided into chapters[[London] 1580. Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham, dwelling in Pater noster rowe at the signe of the Starre[1580]][128] pAttributed in the foreword to the author of "The generall doctrine of blasing stars", i.e. Friedrich Nausea; though with text written after Nausea's death.Imprint from colophon.Signatures: [A]⁴ B-Q⁴.Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.eebo-0113EarthquakesReligious aspectsEarly works to 1800OmensEarly works to 1800EarthquakesReligious aspectsOmensNausea Friedrichd. 1552.1010568Fleming Abraham1552?-1607.1002473Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996393299403316A bright burning beacon2417885UNISA