01829nam 2200325 n 450 99639317790331620200824121719.0(CKB)4940000000112221(EEBO)2240944971(UnM)99871515e(UnM)99871515(EXLCZ)99494000000011222119850724d1642 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|Propositions propounded by the Marquesse of Hartford, to the Earle of Bedford, concerning the delivering up of Sherbourne-Castle[electronic resource] Also declaring how the Earle of Bedford, after his arrivall at Yeavel, within three miles of Sherbourne, surprised Squire Rogers, as he was going to relieve the Marquesse of Hartford, with 7. other cavaliers, which are known to be notorious papists, who had under their command neere three hundred men well horsed. Likewise how the Lord Marquesse of Hartford sallied out of the castle, and made up to their rescue, but was repulst by the troops of the E. of Bedford. Also a true information how the Earle of Bedford tooke eight hundred pounds, which Squire Rogers did intend for the relief of the said MarquesseLondon Printed for Henry FowlerSeptem. 19. 1642[2], 6 pReproduction of the original in the British Library.eebo-0018Sherborne (Dorset, England)History, MilitaryEarly works to 1800Great BritainHistoryCivil War, 1642-1649CampaignsEarly works to 1800Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996393177903316Propositions propounded by the Marquesse of Hartford to the Earle of Bedford concerning the delivering up of Sherbourne-Castle2317996UNISA