03857nam 2200661Ia 450 991014569260332120200520144314.01-78268-712-21-281-31227-497866113122750-470-70404-70-470-99653-60-470-99727-31-4175-3641-1(CKB)1000000000415079(EBL)350884(OCoLC)476169462(SSID)ssj0000126176(PQKBManifestationID)11143034(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000126176(PQKBWorkID)10030566(PQKB)10029228(MiAaPQ)EBC350884(Au-PeEL)EBL350884(CaPaEBR)ebr10240424(CaONFJC)MIL131227(PPN)148593763(EXLCZ)99100000000041507920020603d2003 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA companion to Shakespeare's worksVolume IThe tragedies[electronic resource] /edited by Richard Dutton and Jean E. HowardMalden, MA Blackwell Pub.20031 online resource (504 p.)Blackwell companions to literature and culture ;17Description based upon print version of record.0-631-22632-X Includes bibliographical references and index.A Companion to Shakespeare's Works; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Introduction; 1 "A rarity most beloved": Shakespeare and the Idea of Tragedy; 2 The Tragedies of Shakespeare's Contemporaries; 3 Minds in Company: Shakespearean Tragic Emotions; 4 The Divided Tragic Hero; 5 Disjointed Times and Half-Remembered Truths in Shakespearean Tragedy; 6 Reading Shakespeare's Tragedies of Love: Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Antony and Cleopatra in Early Modern England; 7 Hamlet Productions Starring Beale, Hawke, and Darling From the Perspective of Performance History; 8 Text and Tragedy9 Shakespearean Tragedy and Religious Identity10 Shakespeare's Roman Tragedies; 11 Tragedy and Geography; 12 Classic Film Versions of Shakespeare's Tragedies: A Mirror for the Times; 13 Contemporary Film Versions of the Tragedies; 14 Titus Andronicus: A Time for Race and Revenge; 15 "There is no world without Verona walls": The City in Romeo and Juliet; 16 "He that thou knowest thine": Friendship and Service in Hamlet; 17 Julius Caesar; 18 Othello and the Problem of Blackness; 19 King Lear; 20 Macbeth, the Present, and the Past21 The Politics of Empathy in Antony and Cleopatra: A View from Below22 Timon of Athens: The Dialectic of Usury, Nihilism, and Art; 23 Coriolanus and the Politics of Theatrical Pleasure; IndexThis four-volume Companion to Shakespeare's Works, compiled as a single entity, offers a uniquely comprehensive snapshot of current Shakespeare criticism. Brings together new essays from a mixture of younger and more established scholars from around the world - Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Examines each of Shakespeare's plays and major poems, using all the resources of contemporary criticism, from performance studies to feminist, historicist, and textual analysis. Volumes are organized in relation to gBlackwell companions to literature and culture ;17.English drama (Tragedy)English drama (Tragedy)822.33Dutton Richard1948-165045Howard Jean E(Jean Elizabeth),1948-503277MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910145692603321A companion to Shakespeare's works1887059UNINA01753nam 2200373 n 450 99639272040331620221108070240.0(CKB)4940000000114072(EEBO)2248545325(UnM)99122227200971(EXLCZ)99494000000011407219821228d1664 uy engurbn||||a|bb|John Keymors observation made upon the Dutch fishing, about the year 1601[electronic resource] Demonstrating that there is more wealth raised out of herrings and other fish in His Majesties seas by the neighbouring nations in one year, then the King of Spain hath from the Indies in four. And that there were twenty thousand ships and other vessels, and about four hundred thousand people then set on work by both sea and land; and maintained only by fishing upon the coasts of England, Scotland, and IrelandLondon Printed from the original manuscript, for Sir Edward Ford in the year1664[2], 12, [2] pReproduction of original in the British Library.Filmed copy at UMI Tracts Supplement reel C22 imperfect: final leaf wanting.eebo-0018Herring fisheriesNetherlandsEarly works to 1800FishingNetherlandsEarly works to 1800Fish tradeNetherlandsEarly works to 1800Herring fisheriesFishingFish tradeKeymor Johnfl. 1610-1620.1005889Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINBOOK996392720403316John Keymors observation made upon the Dutch fishing about the year 16012313845UNISA