02585nam 2200421 n 450 99639212320331620200824121131.0(CKB)4940000000104214(EEBO)2240857025(UnM)99850098e(UnM)99850098(EXLCZ)99494000000010421419920220d1519 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A full deuoute [and] gostely treatyse of y[e] imytacio[n] [and] folowynge y[e] blessyd lyfe of our most mercifull sauiour cryst: co[m]pyled i[n] Laten by the right worshypfull doctor master Iohn Gerson: [and] tra[n]slate into english the yere of our lorde. M. d. ii. by mayster Wyllya[m] atkynson doctor of diuyuyte [sic]: at y[e] speciall request [and] co[m]mau[n]dement of y[e] full excellent pryncesse Margarete moder to our souerayne lorde kynge He[n]ry the .vii. and countesse of Rychemount and Derby[electronic resource][Enprynted in Lo[n]don By Wynkyn de Worde i[n] fletestrete at the Sygne of the Sonne[1518?] [i.e. 1519?][232] pThe traditional attribution to Thomas à Kempis is disputed.Imprint information from colophon of book 3; publication dates suggested by STC.Book 4 colophon reads: Inprynted at london in fletestr[et]e at the signe of the Sonne by Wynkyn de Worde. STC suggests 1519? as publication date.Book 4 translated by Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby.Signatures: A-B C-P⁶ Q⁴ ² A-C⁶ (-A1).Reproduction of the original in Cambridge University Library.eebo-0021Atkinson Williamd. 1509.982012Gersen GiovanniAbbot of Vercelli,14th cent.1012683Beaufort MargaretCountess of Richmond and Derby,1443-1509.982014Thomasà Kempis,1380-1471,Cu-RivESCu-RivESUk-ESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996392123203316A full deuoute gostely treatyse of ye imytacion and folowynge ye blessyd lyfe of our most mercifull sauiour cryst: compyled in Laten by the right worshypfull doctor master Iohn Gerson: and translate into english the yere of our lorde. M. d. ii. by mayster Wyllyam atkynson doctor of diuyuyte sic: at ye speciall request and commaundement of ye full excellent pryncesse Margarete moder to our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the .vii. and countesse of Rychemount and Derby2412454UNISA