01390nam 2200325 n 450 99639153660331620200824121755.0(CKB)4940000000106151(EEBO)2240884210(UnM)99858961e(UnM)99858961(EXLCZ)99494000000010615119860127d1642 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A True relation of such passages and proceedings of the army of Dublin in the kingdome of Ireland, as have happened since the death of Sir Charles Coote to this present[electronic resource] Together, with a proclamation by the Lord Iustices and Councell of that kingdome, for the making voide of such warrants as have beene abusedLondon, Printed for William Bladen1642[2], 6 pReproduction of the original in the British Library.eebo-0018IrelandHistoryRebellion of 1641SourcesEarly works to 1800Ireland.Lords Justices and Council.Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996391536603316A True relation of such passages and proceedings of the army of Dublin in the kingdome of Ireland, as have happened since the death of Sir Charles Coote to this present2327906UNISA