02261nam 2200457 n 450 99639150360331620200818224756.0(CKB)4940000000103477(EEBO)2240941923(UnM)99847162e(UnM)99847162(EXLCZ)99494000000010347719911122d1588 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|Most briefe tables to knovv redily hovv manie ranckes of footemen armed with corslettes, as vnarmed, go to the making of a iust battaile[electronic resource] from an hundred vnto twentie thousand. Next a very easie, and approued way to arme a battaile with harkabuzers, and winges of horsemen according to the vse at these daies. Newlie increased, and largelie amplified both in the tables, as in the declarations of the same, by the aucthour himselfe. Girolamo Cataneo Nouarese. Tourned out of Italian into English by H.GImprinted at London By Thomas East: for Iohn Wight1588[68] pH.G. = Henry Grantham?.A translation of: Modo di formare con prestezza le moderne battaglie di picche, archibugieri, et cavalleria.Signatures: A⁶ B-D⁴ E² F-H⁴ I² .The last leaf is blank.Most copies are found as part 3 of "The arte of warre" by Niccolò Machiavelli (STC 17166).Identified as part of STC 17166 on UMI microfilm reel 431.Reproductions of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.Appears at reels 312 and 431 (same copy filmed twice).eebo-0113Military art and scienceEarly works to 1800Military art and scienceCataneo Girolamo889651Machiavelli Niccolò1469-1527.330797H. G1003271Grantham Henryfl. 1571-1587,Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996391503603316Most briefe tables to knovv redily hovv manie ranckes of footemen armed with corslettes, as vnarmed, go to the making of a iust battaile2397344UNISA