01873nam 2200397Ia 450 99639131860331620210104171816.0(CKB)4940000000098260(EEBO)2240908182(OCoLC)ocn953793160e(OCoLC)953793160(EXLCZ)99494000000009826020160720d1558 uy 0engurbn||||a|bb|A newe boke of phisicke called [The] gouerment of health, wherin be vttred many notable rules for ma[n]s preseruacio[n], with sondry simples & and other matters, no lesse fruitful then profitable[electronic resource] collect out of many approued authours : reduced into the forme af a dialogue, for the better vnderstanding of thunlearned [sic] : whereunto is added a sufferain regiment againt the pestilence /by VVilliam BulleinImprinted at Londo[n] Bi Ihon Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate beneth Saint Martins[1558][12], xxxii leaves, 33-78, 80-211, [7] p. ill"Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum."To the reader signed and dated: Farvvell the. 20. of Aprill. 1558. VVilliam Bullein.Reproduction of original in: British Library.eebo-0018HygieneEarly works to 1800Materia medicaEarly works to 1800MedicineEarly works to 1800HygieneMateria medicaMedicineBullein William-1576.196779Day John1522-1584,UMIUMIBOOK996391318603316A newe boke of phisicke called gouerment of health, wherin be vttred many notable rules for mans preseruacion, with sondry simples & and other matters, no lesse fruitful then profitable2345831UNISA