02099nam 2200433 n 450 99639056920331620200824121531.0(CKB)4940000000102461(EEBO)2240852075(UnM)99842486e(UnM)99842486(EXLCZ)99494000000010246119910510d1618 uy |laturbn||||a|bb|Ta tōn Mousōn eisodia. = The Muses welcome[electronic resource] to the high and mightie prince Iames by the grace of God King of Great Britaine France and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. At His M. happie returne to his old and natiue kingdome of Scotland, after XIIII. yeers absence in anno 1617Edinburgh Printed by Thomas Finlason, printer to his most excellent Maiestie1618[10], 44, [2], 45-289, [1] p. portEditor's dedication signed: Joannes Adamsonus.Mostly in verse, mostly Latin, also English and Greek.The first four words of the title are in Greek characters.Includes reprints from "De potestate principis" by David Lindsay (STC 21555.28) and "A speach, delivered to the Kings most excellent Majestie" by Sir John Hay (STC 12970).Running title reads: The Muses welcome, to the Kings Maiestie.Another state of the edition with 4 preliminary leaves.Variant: with three extra leaves signed "(3[sec.])" inserted after K1 or L2. These contain a Latin translation of Hay's speech.Usually found bound with "Ta tōn Musōn exodia" (STC 142).Reproduction of the original in the British Library.eebo-0018Adamson Johnd. 1653.1007466Lindsay Davidd. 1641?1005115Hay JohnSir,1578-1654.1002676Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996390569203316Ta tōn Mousōn eisodia. = The Muses welcome2404084UNISA