03161nam 2200505 n 450 99639006340331620200824120638.0(CKB)4940000000099586(EEBO)2240866193(UnM)99829534e(UnM)99829534(EXLCZ)99494000000009958619950611d1663 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|The physitian's library[electronic resource] containing all the works of the most famous physitians following, viz. Dan. Sennertus. Laz. Riverius. Fel. Platerus. Tho. Bartholinus. Joh. Riolanus. Joh. Veslingus. Joh. Johnston. Nich. Culpeper. Mart. Ruland. Zacut. Lusitanus. Wil. Rnd. Joh. Fernelius & Abdiah Cole. All which are of excellent use for rational persons; especially for all chyrurgeons at sea in his Most Royal Majesties ships; and all others that are on trading voyages, for the advancement of the wealth and honor of his kingdomsLondon printed by Peter Cole and Edward Cole, printers and book-sellers, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange1663[10], 688; [28], 645, [19], 463, [1] p. illA reissue, with a general title page, of Platter, Felix. A golden practice of physick (also published separately as Wing P2395); Rivière, Lazare. The practice of physick; and an English translation of Rivière, Lazare. Observationes medicae et curationes insignes."A golden practice of physick" has separate title page dated 1662; "The practice of physick" has separate title page dated 1661, and "Four books of that learned, and renowned doctor, Lazarus Riverius .. Unto which is addad a fift book, being select medicinal counsels of John Fernelius .." has separate title page dated 1658; registers and pagination are separate."Select medicinal counsels, of the renowned Johannes Fernelius" has caption title; register and pagination are continuous.Advertisements follow general title page and each separate work.There is a half title bound before the last work, reading: Culpepers Large anatomy fitted for physick. Culpepers Five hundred, eighty nine observations, or histories, of rare cures; the words "Five .. Of" are bracketed together.Includes contents.Reproduction of the original in Dr. Williams's Library.eebo-0037MedicineEarly works to 1800Herbs, Thapeutic useEarly works to 1800Materia medica, VegetableEarly works to 1800MedicineHerbs, Thapeutic useMateria medica, VegetablePlatter Felix1536-1614.autRivière Lazare1589-1655.autRivière Lazare1589-1655.autFernel Jean1497-1558.autCulpeper Nicholas1616-1654.autCu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996390063403316The physitian's library2368476UNISA