02189nam 2200445 n 450 99638988220331620221108011043.0(CKB)4940000000101759(EEBO)2240871331(UnM)99839372(EXLCZ)99494000000010175919901211d1596 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A booke of secrets[electronic resource] shewing diuers waies to make and prepare all sorts of inke, and colours: as blacke, white, blew, greene, red, yellow, and other colours. Also to write with gold and siluer, or any kind of mettall out of the pen: with many other profitable secrets, as to colour quils and parchment of any colour: and to graue with strong water in steele and iron. ... Translated out of Dutch into English, by W.P. Hereunto is annexed a little treatise, intituled, instructions for ordering of wines: shewing how to make wine, that it may continue good and faint not ... Written first in Italian, and now newly translated into English, by W.PLondon Printed by Adam Islip for Edward White, and are to be sold at his shop at the little north dore of Pouls, at the signe of the Gun1596[40] pW.P. = William Phillip.Part 1 is a translation of: Ettliche Küntse, auff mancherley Weisz Dinten und allerhand Farben zu bereyten.Italian original of part 2 not traced.Signatures: A-E⁴.The first leaf has an arabesque pattern on the recto, but no text.Reproduction of the original in the the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.eebo-0113ColorsEarly works to 1800EngravingEarly works to 1800Wine and wine makingEarly works to 1800ColorsEngravingWine and wine makingW. Pfl. 1618.1005312Phillip WilliamCu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996389882203316A booke of secrets2384779UNISA