02872nam 2200577 450 991048019270332120170814182030.00-8218-7616-3(CKB)3240000000069556(EBL)3112953(SSID)ssj0000629252(PQKBManifestationID)11942890(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000629252(PQKBWorkID)10735689(PQKB)11227521(MiAaPQ)EBC3112953(PPN)197103480(EXLCZ)99324000000006955619840810h19841984 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAxiomatic set theory /James E. Baumgartner, Donald A. Martin, and Saharon Shelah, editorsProvidence, Rhode Island :American Mathematical Society,[1984]©19841 online resource (271 p.)Contemporary mathematics ;volume 31"Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Axiomatic Set Theory, held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, June 19-25, 1983"--Title page verso.0-8218-5026-1 Includes bibliographies.""Table of Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Russell's earliest reactions to Cantorian set theory, 1896-1900""; ""Sets of ordinals constructible from trees and the third Victoria Delfino problem""; ""Existence of bases implies the axiom of choice""; ""Small extensions of models of set theory""; ""The pin-up conjecture""; ""Generic reals close to o#""; ""Families of almost disjoint functions""; ""Homomorphism axioms and lynxes""; ""Infinitary logic and o#""; ""An extravagant partition relation for a model of arithmetic""; ""Stationary subsets of inaccessible cardinals""""Rational perfect set forcing""""Indiscernibles, skies, and ideals""; ""On cardinal invariants of the continuum""; ""A note on the proper forcing axiom""; ""Souslin trees constructed from Morasses""; ""PKλ combinatorics I: Stationary coding sets rationalize the club filter""Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ;31.Axiomatic set theoryCongressesElectronic books.Axiomatic set theory511.3/22Baumgartner James E.1943-2011,Martin D. A(Donald A.),1940-Shelah SaharonAmerican Mathematical Society,AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Axiomatic Set Theory(1983 :University of Colorado),MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910480192703321Axiomatic set theory343904UNINA01798nam 2200373Ia 450 99638963100331620210104171824.0(CKB)4940000000097806(EEBO)2240917787(OCoLC)ocn945447295e(OCoLC)945447295(EXLCZ)99494000000009780620160323d1668 uy 0engurbn||||a|bb|The most pleasant history of Tom A Lincoln, that ever renowned souldier, the Red-Rose Knight[electronic resource] who for his valour and chivalry, was sir-named the boast of England : shewing his honourable victories in forraign countries, with his strange fortunes in the fairy-land: and how he married the fair Anglitora, daughter to Prester John, that renowned monarch of the vvorld : together with the lives and deaths of his two famous sons, the Black Knight, and the Fairy Knight, with divers other memorable accidents, fulll of delightThe tenth impression.London Printed by G. Purslow, for F. Coles, on Saffron-Hill, in Wine-Street, neer Hatten-Garden1668[80] pWith half-title.Dedicatory epistle signed: R.I. [i.e. Richard Johnson].Place and date of publication suggested by Wing (2nd ed., 1994).Reproduction of original in: Yale University Library.eebo-0198Romances.rbgenrJohnson Richard1573-1659?1004691Purslowe George-1632,Coles Francis-1680,UMIUMIBOOK996389631003316The most pleasant history of Tom A Lincoln, that ever renowned souldier, the Red-Rose Knight2356569UNISA01440nas 2200397-a 450 991067934830332120240413022024.0(CKB)110978966556394(CONSER)--2002235489(EXLCZ)9911097896655639420020430a19899999 --- -fretxtrdacontentRevue fiscalité européenneNice [France] Cahiers Fiscaux Européens1 online resourcePrint version: Revue fiscalité européenne. 0242-5599 (DLC) 2002235489 (OCoLC)49694092 Revue fiscalité européenne et droit international des affairesFISCALITE EUROPEENNEREVUE FISCALITé EUROPéENNETaxationLaw and legislationEuropePeriodicalsFiscal policyEuropePeriodicalsFiscal policyfast(OCoLC)fst00925806TaxationLaw and legislationfast(OCoLC)fst01143921Europefasthttps://id.oclc.org/worldcat/entity/E39PBJxCxPbbk4CPJDQJb4r6rqPeriodicals.fastPeriodicals.lcgftTaxationLaw and legislationFiscal policyFiscal policy.TaxationLaw and legislation.JOURNAL9910679348303321exl_impl conversionRevue fiscalité européenne2385630UNINA