01864nam 2200397 n 450 99638915930331620221108065452.0(CKB)1000000000641686(EEBO)2264192376(UnM)99843948(EXLCZ)99100000000064168619910806d1550 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A sermon preached ye fourth Su[n]daye in Lente before the Kynges Maiestie. and his honorable Counsell, by Thomas Leauer[electronic resource][Imprynted at London By Iohn Day dwellinge ouer Aldersgate, beneth saint Martyns. And are to be sold at his shop by the litle conduit in Chepesyde at the sygne of the Resurrection]Anno Domini M.ccccc.l. [1550][88] pPlace of publication and printer's name from colophon.Signatures: A-E F⁴.Running title reads: A sermon preached before the Kyng.A reissue, with quire A reset and the title corrected, of "A sermon preached the thyrd Sondaye in Lente before the kynges Majestie, and his honorable Counsell" (STC 15548).Identified as STC 15550 on UMI microfilm reel 58, and as 15549 on reel 82.Reproductions of the originals in the British Library and the Bodleian Library.Appears at reel 58 (British Library copy) and at reel 82 (Bodleian Library).eebo-0216Sermons, English16th centurySermons, EnglishLever Thomas1521-1577.1003019Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996389159303316A sermon preached ye fourth Sudaye in Lente before the Kynges Maiestie. and his honorable Counsell, by Thomas Leauer2319013UNISA