02065nam 2200421 n 450 99638906830331620221108103633.0(CKB)1000000000640193(EEBO)2240914992(UnM)99833998(UnM)9928461900971(EXLCZ)99100000000064019319970206d1664 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|The academy of complements[electronic resource] Wherein ladies, gentlewomen, schollers, and strangers may accommodate their courtly practice with gentile ceremonies, complementall amorous high expressions, and formes of speaking or writing of letters most in fashion. A work perused, exactly perfected, every where corrected and enlarged, and inriched by the author, with additions of witty poems, and pleasant songs. With an addition of a new school of love, and a present of excellent similitudes, comparisons, fancies, and devicesThe last edition, with two tables; the one expounding the most hard English words: the other resolving the most delightfull fictions of the heathen poets.London printed for A. Mosely, at the Princes Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard1664[16], 344 p., [1] leaf of plates"The authors preface to the reader" signed: Philomusus, i.e. John Gough?.With an added engraved title page.Caption title on p. 1 reads: The academy of complements. Or Pearles of eloquence.Partly in verse.Reproduction of the original at the Bodleian Library.eebo-0014CourtshipEarly works to 1800Love poetry, EnglishEarly works to 1800CourtshipLove poetry, EnglishPhilomususfl. 1640.1004363J. G(John Gough),fl. 1640,Cu-RivESCu-RivESWaOLNBOOK996389068303316The academy of complements2328363UNISA04332nam 2200973z- 450 991034684510332120231214133626.03-03897-673-3(CKB)4920000000095189(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/58923(EXLCZ)99492000000009518920202102d2019 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierScenarios and Indicators for Sustainable Development–Towards A Critical Assessment of Achievements and ChallengesMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20191 electronic resource (180 p.)3-03897-672-5 Globalization and telecoupling are enhancing the complexity of the coupled socio-ecological system constituted by the interaction between the global ecosphere and the anthroposphere. As a result, the demand for tools to identify transformative innovations, assess future risks, and support precautionary decisions for sustainability is growing by the day in business and politics. Scenarios are a means of simplification, reducing the real-world complexity to a limited number of essential factors to analyze their interactions and support policy formulation, with indicators as communication and monitoring tools. In particular, in a time of fake news and alternative truths a critical reflection amongst producers and users of scenarios and indicators is overdue; the capability for critical self-reflection is what distinguishes science from pseudo-science, and is a condition of trust. The authors of this book test established measurement and modeling approaches against new challenges, assess the weaknesses of prevailing innovation theories and the political-ideological embedment of archetypical scenarios, highlight deficits in taking the physical basics into account, and the need to understand global interaction and the stepwise process of energy transitions, point out technical as well as conceptual weaknesses in data collection, harmonization and indicator generation, always with a view to solving problems.sustainable development goalsscience-policy interfacelong-wave theoryscenariostweetssustainability indicatorsmodels and modes of scienceenvironmental innovationenergy supplyrenewable energygross domestic productGDPbio-economicsdata needsfake newsEuropean Tourism Indicator System (ETIS)climate changegoalsAgenda 2030Visit South Sardiniatourist destinationindicatorsmonitoringmodellinginstitutionssustainable developmentgrid flexibilityglobal indicator frameworkmicrodatadecision-makingworld viewsSDGsGermanychallengesvaluessustainable production and consumptionpoliciessustainability transitionstoragestakeholdersinnovation systemssocietal impactfossil energy systemmulti-level perspectivehousehold consumptionbiodiversityagencyevolutionary economicsenergy transitionmaterial footprinttransformationsustainable tourismopportunitiespolicy adviceinternational inequalityresource indicatorcurtailmentSpangenberg Joachim Hauth1294286BOOK9910346845103321Scenarios and Indicators for Sustainable Development–Towards A Critical Assessment of Achievements and Challenges3023083UNINA