02507nam 2200505Ia 450 99638724880331620210104162409.0(CKB)1000000000611230(EEBO)2240907385(OCoLC)ocn180867259e(OCoLC)180867259(EXLCZ)99100000000061123020071107d1586 uy 0engurbn||||a|bb|A Briefe and pleasaunt treatise, intituled: Naturall and artificiall conclusions[electronic resource] /written firste by sundry schollers of the Vniuersitie of Padua in Italie, at the instant request of one Bartholmew a Tuscane: and now Englished by Thomas Hyll Londoner, as well for the commoditye of sundrye artificers, as for the matters of plesure, to recreat witts at vacant times.Imprinted at London by Edward Allde.1586.[62+] p. illA compilation of translated material from a number of earlier writers, primarily Girolamo Cardano, but also including Mizauld, Bartholomew Anglicus, J.J. Wecker, and Albertus Magnus; the possibility exists that Hill originated some of the material himself. Cf. Hall, T.H. Old conjuring books, p. 41-42.First extant edition 1581, but evidence exists indicating editions in 1567 and 1568. Cf. Hall, p. 35-40.Black letter.Tail-piece; initials; title vignette (candle burning in a bottle).Signatures: A-D⁸ (last leaf blank?).Error in register: D₄ printed D₃.Imperfect: cropped, stained, and with print show-through; last leaf missing?Reproduction of original in: British Library.eebo-0018Magic tricksEarly works to 1800PuzzlesEarly works to 1800AmusementsEarly works to 1800Magic tricksPuzzlesAmusementsAlbertusMagnus, Saint,1193?-1280.852485BatholomaeusAnglicus,13th cent.1016370Cardano Girolamo1501-1576.192119Hill Thomasb. ca. 1528.1001906Mizauld Antoine1510-1578.743680Wecker Johann Jacob1528-1586.796030UMIUMIBOOK996387248803316A Briefe and pleasaunt treatise, intituled: Naturall and artificiall conclusions2377800UNISA