01433nam 2200301Ia 450 99638714870331620200824132745.0(CKB)4940000000082935(EEBO)2248550918(OCoLC)ocm18185817e(OCoLC)18185817(EXLCZ)99494000000008293519880708d1698 uy |engurbn#|||a|bb|A New and exact description of Moscovy[electronic resource] (1.) containing its state antient and modern, situation, extent, latitude, division into provinces, rivers, soile, sterility, and fertility, with the commoditys, and observations on the extreamitys of weather hot and cold, (2.) of the citys and towns, fortification and manner of building ... (3.) of their religion, marriages, ... (4.) of the government ... (5.) their military affairs ... (6.) the revenues of the czar ... (7.) the succession of the royal house of Muscovy ... : the whole containing all that is necessary to be known concerning that vast empireLondon Printed for R. Baldwin ...1698[4], 28 pReproduction of original in the British Library.eebo-0018RussiaDescription and travelEAIEAIWaOLNBOOK996387148703316A New and exact description of Moscovy2311212UNISA