02157nam 2200433 n 450 99638589480331620220111012020.0(CKB)1000000000600706(EEBO)2240895967(UnM)99858765e(UnM)99858765(EXLCZ)99100000000060070619940614d1649 uh |engurbn#|||a|bb|A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chauncery[electronic resource]with such alterations & additions thereunto, as the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal of England, by and with the advice and assistance of the Honorable the Master of the Rolls, have thought fit at present (in order to a further reformation now under their Lordships consideration) to ordain and publish, for reforming of several abuses in the said court, preventing multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suitors, and for their more expeditious and certain course for reliefLondon Printed by John Macock for Francis Tyton, and are to be sold at his shop at the three Daggers neer the Inner-Temple, Fleetstreet164992, [10] pWith an initial imprimatur leaf.Marginal notes.Signed on p. [93]: B. Whitelock C.S.[,] Rich. Keble C.S.[,] W. Lenthall Master of the Roles.Annotation on Thomason copy: "Nouemb: 7".Reproduction of the original in the British Library.eebo-0018Equity pleading and procedureEnglandEarly works to 1800Law reformGreat BritainEarly works to 1800Equity pleading and procedureLaw reformLenthall William1591-1662.1001385Keble Richardfl. 1650.1008387Whitelocke Bulstrode1605-1675.1071591Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996385894803316A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chauncery2567692UNISA