01601ncm 2200469Ia 450 99638579810331620200824132240.0(CKB)4940000000076614(EEBO)2248570247(OCoLC)ocm12341229e(OCoLC)12341229(EXLCZ)99494000000007661419850802d1699 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A Choice collection of new songs and ballads[electronic resource] the words made to several pleasant tunes /by Mr. D'urfey ; with tunes transpos'd for the fluteLondon Printed by William Pearson ... for Henry Playford and sold by him at his shop ...1699[2], 10 p. musicThe composers of the songs are not named.Reproduction of original in Harvard University Libraries.Imperfect: pages 9-10 misbound following t.p.eebo-0062Songs, EnglishEngland17th centuryBallads, EnglishEngland17th centuryRecorder musicSongs, UnaccompaniedSongs, EnglishBallads, EnglishRecorder music.Songs, Unaccompanied.D'Urfey Thomas1653-1723.844608Playford Henryb. 1657.1001859EAAEAAm/cOCLEAAWaOLNBOOK996385798103316A Choice collection of new songs and ballads2325558UNISA