01543nam 2200385Ia 450 99638551790331620221108035912.0(CKB)4940000000080111(EEBO)2248537454(OCoLC)13111151(EXLCZ)99494000000008011119860205d1687 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A letter from a gentleman in the city to a gentleman in the country, about the odiousness of persecution[electronic resource] wherein the rise and end of the penal laws for religion in this kingdom, are consider'd : occasioned by the late rigorous proceedings against sober dissenters, by certain angry justices in the country[London? s.n.]168732 pAttributed to William Penn. Cf. Smith, J. Friends' books.Signed: A.N.This item is identified as Wing L1388A (entry cancelled in Wing 2nd ed.) at reel 744:27 and as Wing N3 at reel 796:18.Reproduction of originals in Huntington Library and in Bodleian Library.eebo-0216PersecutionEnglandPersecutionA. N1007144Penn William1644-1718.444261EAAEAAm/cUMIWaOLNBOOK996385517903316A letter from a gentleman in the city to a gentleman in the country, about the odiousness of persecution2493469UNISA